The Wild Isle_NB Numeric in Sicily.
A few months ago some guys from the New Balance Numeric team flew to Sicily where they spent 10 days skating under a warm sun. The photo article was featured in a brief glance issue #49 and we are now happy to present “The Wild Isle” video edit by Nick Richards starring Charles Munro, Maxi Schaible, Vaughan Jones, Mark Baines and Manny Lopez.
Charles Munro, kickflip.
Maxi Schailble, halfcab bluntslide pop out.
Charles Munro, fs boardslide.
Manny Lopes, wallride nollie pop out.
Mark Baines, nollie switch crooks.
Maxi Schailble, wallride.
Manny Lopez, switch fs crooks.
Vaughan Jones.
Charles Munro, bs nosegrind shove-it out.
All photos Davide Biondani [Canon].