Slaughterhouse contest 2022.
The Slaughterhouse contest is finally back! After a 10 years break (except for a pre-covid low profile episode) a new edition of one of the most fun and og skate contests took place last Sunday at its original location Jungle Skatepark in Merano, northern Italy, right under the Alps. A lot of sick skateboarders from all over Italy and Austria spent two days in this beautiful city of the Alto Adige region enjoying the sun and killing it at the skatepark. Thanks to Alex Berger at Fakie Shop and Besay and its team at Youth Center Jungle for bringing this true skate event back. Enjoy the photo report and don’t miss the 2023’s edition.
Indro Martinenghi, nosebone transfer.
Marco Kada, kickflip transfer to flat.
Sergio Reinhardt, acid drop.
Agus Aquila, kickflip backside lipslide.
Agus Aquila, nosebluntslide.
Massimo Cristofoletti, nollie transfer.
Benjamin Buca, fakie ollie switch frontside crooks the whole ledge.
Marco Kada, nollie heel noseslide.
Marco Kada, tucknee transfer.
Agus Aquila, kickflip boardslide.
Christoph Radtke, kickflip backside lip slide.
Christoph Radtke, backside smith.
Christoph Weberhofer, frontside feeble.
Lenni Pfeiffer, kickflip frontside board slide.
Marco Varrese, took care of the whole event.
Davide, smith grind.
Sergio Reinhardt, frontside board slide up.
Fabian Trojer, frontside bluntslide transfer.
Pippo Coin.
Fabio Montagner, kickflip backside smith grind.
Fabian Trojer, frontside crooks.
Sergio Reinhardt, boardslide to lipslide.
Davide Holzknecht, frontside kickflip.
Benjamin Buca, nollie backside heel flip.
Marco Kada, hardflip.
Agustin Aquila, kickflip boardslide.
Aguastin Aquila, kickflip frontside bluntslide.
Podium: Agus, Christoph, Monty.
All photos Davide Biondani.