Slaughterhouse 8 contest 2023.

The 8th edition of the Slaughterhouse contest took place last week end in Merano, Italy, where skateboarders from all over the country, Austria, Germany, Bulgaria and Argentina met and skated the skatepark at Youth Center Jungle for two days. The Slaughterhouse is an independent event during which you breath the best spirit of skateboard contests; relaxed mood, quality skateboarding, good friends, perfect organization and solid price giving, something not obvious nowadays.

The level of skating this year was impressive, with well known names and new local rippers who hyped everyone: Samu, Moussa, Maicol Fantini, Leonardo Bergese, just to name some. Matias Dell’Olio got first place in the contest and gifted the crowd with some bangers during the cash for tricks comp; Martin Atanasov from Bulgaria got second place and Santino Exemberger  from Austria, third. Massimo Cristofoletti, Agus Aquila, Giuseppe Cola and Christoph Radtke killed it too.

Thanks to local legend Marco Varrese who organized the event in collaboration with Fakie Shop. Don’t miss it next year.

Photos & words Davide Biondani

Matias Dall’Olio, 270 boardslide.

Massimo Cristofoletti, frontside pop shove-it to backside nose grind.


Leonardo Bergese, backside blunt slide.

Matias Dell’Olio, switch frontside blunt slide.

Samu, frontside lip.

Christoph Radtke, kickflip backside lip slide.

Maicol Fantini, nosegrind overcrooks.

Giuseppe Cola, nosegrind overcrooks.

Moussa, frontside lipslide.

SantinoExenberger, one foot.

Massimo Cristofoletti, switch backside tail slide.

Santino Exenberger, boned nollie frontside transfer.

Filippo Coin, backside ollie fakie 5-0.

Agus Aquila, kamikaze frontside ollie the hard way to switch 5-0 revert.

Matias Dell’Olio, bigger flip frontside board slide.

Alex Fakie Shop.

Martin Atanasov, frontside tailslide to frontside heelflip out.

Matias Dell’Olio, switch Kickflip frontside board slide.

Legendary Marco Varrese.

Massimo Cristofoletti, backside tailslide.

Samu, smith grind.

Mathis Dell’Olio, hardflip transfer to backside lip.

Seba, 360 flip transfer over the rail.

Thomas 25 Shop.

Martin Atanasov, kamikaze crooks.

Agus Aquila, kamikaze kickflip to frontside lip.

Agus Aquila, kamikaze to frontside nosegrind.

Giuseppe Cola, kickflip to flat.

Moussa & Samu.


Podium. Agus, Martin, Matias, Christoph, Santino.