GX1000: Your Favorite Things

The GX 1000 squad released a new insane video called “Your Favorite Things” featuring: Willow Vogesfernandes, Jeff Carlyle, Jp Escobar, Adam Taylor, Zack Krull, Tristan Funkhouser, Mason Coletti, Nile Gibbs, Matt Finley, Sean Greene, Rob Bootes, T4, Deshun Byrd, Pedro Delfino, Eddie Cernicky, Victor Pellegrin, Martino Cattaneo, Alex Moran, Marley Humphrey, Andrew Fiene, Dillon Krull and Chris Athans. Filmed yy: Cody Thompson. Otto Ray, Ryan Garshell, Tanner Rowe, Johnathan Flechas and  Felix Soto.