Welcome to a brief glance skateboardmag issue_35


We have the pleasure to present you a brief glance issue #35.

Inside the issue:

FRAGMENTS: 4 shots from around the world.

SIMPLY SUPERLATIVE / ENIZ FAZLIOV: Eniz is one of the most talented skateboarders and humble person out there, we had the pleasure to spent some time with him and shoot the photos of  his interview.

CINECITTA’ ON WHEELS: the Murder Skateboarding team spent one week inside the famous Cinecittà movie studios in Roma for a very special project.

CASPER BROOKER : interview.

PLACES / Thailand.

A TRAIN RIDE THROUGH THE BALKANS: a crew of skaters coming from Russia, Germany and UK took some trains and went skating in Belgrade, Zagreb, Ljubljana and Budapest.

BOOK / WHERE WE COME FROM: interview with Lucas Fiederling about the making of his superb video and the real ease of the new book.

On the COVER: Daniel Pannemann // Fast plant in Hannover // photo_ Friedjof Feye.